“Mickey’s Mouse Trap”, flipping the script on the classic Disney icon, Steamboat Willie, into a nightmare-inducing slasher film. Straight out of Canada, this movie transforms Mickey Mouse into a psycho killer haunting a group of friends in an amusement arcade after dark. Directed by Jamie Bailey and written by Simon Phillips, it’s a wild ride with a killer twist—literally.
Featuring a cast led by Sophie McIntosh, Nick Biskupek, and James Laurin, with Phillips playing the deranged Mickey, the film aims to shock and awe. It’s not just a horror flick; it’s a clever take on a character that’s now fair game since Steamboat Willie entered the public domain. The creators seized this opportunity to craft a story that’s as much about survival as it is a darkly comedic take on a figure we all thought we knew.
Shot in Ottawa and inspired by horror renditions of classic characters, “Mickey’s Mouse Trap” promises a blend of frights and laughs. It challenges viewers to reconsider their childhood icons, all while delivering a fresh and thrilling experience. Forget what you know about Mickey Mouse; this March, he’s not the hero but the horror you didn’t see coming.